about a month ago my anemone decided to move around, after being in it's spot for over 6 months and got caught in the intake of my refugium ,
well from that day he never recovered didn't eat no matter what i fed him
so tonight it was shriveled up and pretty much melted
my question is my clowns loved that anemone and never left it's side
should i try to get another anemone right away or wait
i know there is no guarantee they will host another anemone
just looking for personal accounts
well from that day he never recovered didn't eat no matter what i fed him
so tonight it was shriveled up and pretty much melted
my question is my clowns loved that anemone and never left it's side
should i try to get another anemone right away or wait
i know there is no guarantee they will host another anemone
just looking for personal accounts