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This might of been discussed already but i didn't see any thread.

I know the "cup of water in bag every 10-15 mins" and the "drip method", but i hear all you have to do with corals is "temperature acclimate". One reason i heard is beacuse they don't have gills. So is it OK to temp acclimate? I hear conlicting advice. Some say not to only temp acclimate while others say its ok.

How do you guys acclimate your corals?


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Temp and drip acclimate, I float it for 20 minutes then put it in a bucket and drip acclimate it to the tank.


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Until the bag is full, then I dump some out into the bucket and let the bag fill up again. After that I have to add water but it works for me. Temp stays about the same cause I set the dripper to work semi quickly.


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It all depends on what your salinity level and PH is compared to where you bought it from. If your getting coral shipped i would always acclimate them the drip way, or the half cup every 10 mins in bag method (use a bucket and some airline tubing and make a knot to control the flow to 4 drops per second its so much easier).

Even though the coral have no gills they are still affected by different salinity and PH levels. If your tanks running at 1.024 and your buying from a place with 1.027/8 then you should acclimate. Less stress on coral and less chance they will lose their colors (sps mainly) from just temp acclimating and throwing them in.


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I heard that the poisons and toxins build up at an alarming rate in the bag so it actually less stressful to temp acclimate only and put the corals in the tank then drip acclimate and allow them to sit in that toxic water in the bag.

Anyone else heard of that?


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I've done all of the aforementioned above for fish - and the fish that got the drip acclimation ALWAYS do better.

I've never dripped coral suspecting that they were less sensitive, and doing just temp/float - but will now be dripping based on everyone's advice.


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Raleigh, NC
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For SPS I just temp acclimate then remove the coral from the bag long enough to let it slime up and drop it in. Light acclimation is done very slowly over the course of weeks.

Bob 1000

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Staten Island
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I abuse grown ass men too....lol...Not really Hulk Hogan slam but if I know the water is similiar to mine I just put it in...I have acclimated fish before but never had to for corals...I feel it really doesn't do much I keep a almost zero nirtate enviroment...And I've never had a coral not open the first 6 hrs.. Even the nurse Bob ones....


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It seems like a 50/50 thing. Some people drip acclimate corals while the others just temp acclimate only. So will continue to temp acclimate. I temp acclimate all my corals and they are doing fine. But some people advise against that. Someone shoud do a survey.

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