This might of been discussed already but i didn't see any thread.
I know the "cup of water in bag every 10-15 mins" and the "drip method", but i hear all you have to do with corals is "temperature acclimate". One reason i heard is beacuse they don't have gills. So is it OK to temp acclimate? I hear conlicting advice. Some say not to only temp acclimate while others say its ok.
How do you guys acclimate your corals?
I know the "cup of water in bag every 10-15 mins" and the "drip method", but i hear all you have to do with corals is "temperature acclimate". One reason i heard is beacuse they don't have gills. So is it OK to temp acclimate? I hear conlicting advice. Some say not to only temp acclimate while others say its ok.
How do you guys acclimate your corals?