I recently purchased a yellow leather coral. It refused to open for 4 days. Today, when I came home, it had turned a horrible shade of brown. Thinking that it was algae, I blew some water at it, and the brown slime disentrigrated, leaving white flesh. A second, more gentle burst from the turkey baster caused the coral to exude a milkey white substance.
Is it dieing? I put it through a rather short acclimation period of 45 minutes.
I've attached a picture below. The yellow coral is now the brown lump in the center of the picture with the white splotch down the middle.
Should I remove it?
Any help is appreciated.
Is it dieing? I put it through a rather short acclimation period of 45 minutes.
I've attached a picture below. The yellow coral is now the brown lump in the center of the picture with the white splotch down the middle.
Should I remove it?
Any help is appreciated.