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I recently purchased a yellow leather coral. It refused to open for 4 days. Today, when I came home, it had turned a horrible shade of brown. Thinking that it was algae, I blew some water at it, and the brown slime disentrigrated, leaving white flesh. A second, more gentle burst from the turkey baster caused the coral to exude a milkey white substance.

Is it dieing? I put it through a rather short acclimation period of 45 minutes.

I've attached a picture below. The yellow coral is now the brown lump in the center of the picture with the white splotch down the middle.

Should I remove it?

Any help is appreciated.



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My experienve with leather corals (not this particulars kind) is that they are nearly indestrcutable. After leather corals are first put into a new enviroment, or are stressed in some other fashion, they shed their outer skin. They will also, turn dark (I have had yellow leather turn brown, and brown leaths turn really dark brown) and "limp" for lack of a better word. This is normal. The first time this happened I thought it was dead, but deceided to leave it in the tank. I have also had leather corals close up for weeks when their was something in the water that they didn't like.

The only time I have had a leather die on me is when a "wound" develops a bacterial infection. The edges of the wound get very ragged and it will almost look like cotton fuzz in the infected area. This spread across the coral before I could take care of it, (it didn't spread fast it just happened at a bad time and I couldnt take care of it immediately)

As long as it doesn't look like it is rotting away (I cant tell from the pic), I would leave it alone. If it is "rotting away", cut out the infected area with a knife. Keep at it with the turkey baster as well.


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i agree as well.... i wouldnt take any chance and would take it out.... also if you want to make sure that it is dead or on its way... sniff the area thats dying.... if it smells really bad.... its pretty much done...

Dj Orion

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Suffolk 11772
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Upon entering my tank for the first time, my leather also turned to a dark grey color and I was a little crazed about it. After doing some research i read that they tend to shed a slime coat if they are stressed and close up. Once they feel that they are comfortable, they will open up. Sure enough, my leather opened up after 2 days and looks good.


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New York
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I agree with Awilda. They are a hit or miss type if it's the fiji yellow leather. I have seen hers and it's a beauty(2nd one). You fail to mention what type pf lighting and where it was placed in your tank. Awhile back I ordered one of live aquaria and it arrived dead. I found another one at Sea Visions and that one went the way of yours. I'm done with that type of leather. Good luck if you buy another. Here is a link to what mine looked like. By far your is worse. http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/general-discussion/24830-you-have-see.html


- Untitled -
Da B - X
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Not a hit or miss, requirements are more than a regular leather (i.e. lighting, flow, water quality, etc).
That leather needs to be buried.....
sad (13).gif

Where did you get it from & how did it look when it arrived?


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Forest Hills
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there is yellow toadstool AND Fiji Yellow Leather which both may be call yellow leather.
the fiji one is much more yellow and doesn't have as much of a stump.
their requirements r much higher.

w/o further input from snailpoo, it would be hard to advice further.
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Thanks for all the input guys.

I don't think it was a Fiji. The guy at the store insisted that it was a hardy leather (and it came from a very reputable local store).

I ended up removing the poor leather from the tank.

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