It's time to update. and please NO DIBS, I WANT TO BUYS or the like - this thread is for chronicling the cycles of harvest for SPS as they mature through a system - please don't take offense to that, rather, enjoy the chronicling and progress.
I am happy to say that things are going along smoothly and we have started cycle 2 - we are a little leaner this time around (coral wise) and will be adding more in the next week or so, but it is started nonetheless.
As you remember from the start of this thread, the animals will be going from a t5 environment to a halide to color up and gain intensity in growth. Another thing that I thought would be good while transitioning the corals in support of the above was to not only transition them across, but UP, closer to the lighting as well - this is not rocket science, patent-able or the like - it does, however make total sense.
That being said, the second rack and third will be higher than the first with the last (4th rack) being the highest and closest to the halide.
Attached are some pictures of the progress, the trough with 2 racks and some close-ups the first day after transition.
Feel free to comment, ask questions, critique etc.