Fill 3 containers with said amount of tank water.
Add TMPCC at wanted dosage to 1 container.
Wearing gloves, remove coral from tank and submerge in med bath container.
Wait 12-15 min (or for ever how long directed to do so by meds directions).
Swish coral around to remove any bugs.
Remove coral from bath and swish coral around in second container of clean tank water- again to dislodge any bugs and help remove meds.
remove coral and place in 3rd container of clean water - swish again to remove any med residue or any lingering bugs.
Remove coral and place in Tank.
I never really did the swishing in the 2nd or 3rd container, only dip in the first for 15+ minutes and swish, then in the tank it goes. the small amount of med on the coral itself never appeared to do any effect on my tank