When you get a new coral how do you perform a dip?
For example, when i'm drip acclimating I'll leave about a half gallon of tank water in my container, and then mix in lugols, FWE, and if it's an acro i'll scrape a few mg off an interceptor pill, and then let sit for 20 minutes. Swish it superhard for 30 seconds and then put into QT.
Can everyone list their method?
For example, when i'm drip acclimating I'll leave about a half gallon of tank water in my container, and then mix in lugols, FWE, and if it's an acro i'll scrape a few mg off an interceptor pill, and then let sit for 20 minutes. Swish it superhard for 30 seconds and then put into QT.
Can everyone list their method?