I just add a Finger Gorgonian wanted to know long it should take before the polops come out, I have it since sunday with no chance I have checked it with the lights on and off, I have added food to the water still nothing?:Yikes:
Does it look like it's shedding at all? They can close up for a few days when doing so. Give it some time, make sure it's in good current, they love it. Unless you start to see the skin come off and expose the gorgonin, i wouldn't worry much.
Since that's not a photosynthetic gorgonian there's no need to blast it with light. You do however must make sure it is well fed. It should really extend the polyps more at night, or if you place it in a shaded location. Just make sure the current is adequate so that no algea can overtake it.
I have a similar type of gorgonian in red. It only polyps at night - mostly toward morning. Also, mine prefers a lot of flow. It polyps best with a nano tunze pointed right at it. Also, I have to feed the tank after dark or very early in the morning - a big pain.
i have the same yellow one in my tank. it usually only opens at night and doesnt do it everynight. some nights only a few polyps and others a ton of them. occasionally it will open during the day
gongs of only brown n green polyps r photosyn. all others will need feedings almost everyday or will perish over time.
heres a pic of ur gong with a few polyps open