Its going to be anything and everything!! Is that o.k.?
OK., but I'm not interested in coordinating this beyond shipping to me and pick up here at Pratt. Andrew are you the primary here?
Personally, I am just interested in the sea-fans.
O.K. group buy will start this Friday June 5th and go til Wed midnight. Ships out Thursday June 11th for delivery Friday the 12th.
All of the sea fans will be up by then, the blue, purple, and red with yellow polyps. WYSIWYG Dendro colonies and WYSIWYG BIG single polyps. 1/2 a dozen Rhyzo's, 20 new lords by the polyp and mini colony. A sweet Leptastrea and more!!!!
I may have to break out my old camera to get some good pics, I can't open the files my new D300 kicks out. I need new software![]()
O.K., here are the start/end dates and specifics.
Starts Friday 6-5 and will close Wed 6-10 (midnight)
We will ship to the two locations discussed in the thread for free!!
Please order online and enter coupon code freeship
Visa, MC, AMEX, and Paypal are accepted. All orders have to go through the site otherwise its to hard for us to keep track.
All corals(with the exception of a handful) will be 30% off, the site will discount it automatically at checkout.
Tons of pics will start going up on Friday!!!!
WYSIWYG Dendro's (many pink polyps and quite a few 1" polyps)
WYSIWYG Purple, Red, Blueberry sea fans/gorgonians
WYSIWYG Mini lord colonies and frags
WYSIWYG BIG challice frags
and tons more!!!!!