gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
44   0   0
what is going to be the layout how many corals in what time frame and also is it gonna be the same as previous sales with a link here to carry us to your site to purchase?

It depends on how much automation we can get done with Josh's help prior to the start of the sale. We may end up posting one item at a time and the link takes you directly to the website for purchase.

Its a good idea to create an account on CC so you are ready to hit the ground running.




Advanced Reefer
Rating - 87.8%
79   11   0
Can't believe no one has grabbed up any of the hammers, frogspawns, octospawns amd especially the torches they have. All very nice
They have some of the nicest acans I have ever seen. Very bright colors. There going quick


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
44   0   0
All live sale participants please pick up a shipping module as soon as you can, we will be printing, searching, and cross checking first thing tomorrow morning.


Advanced Reefer
Huntington, NY
Rating - 100%
65   0   0
Im sorry if you guys went over this... but... my credit card is showing pending charges for each item i sent through, but only three times did i get the email from manhattan reefs about winning the item. Just not sure what i got... if i only won 3 items i was hoping to tack on some regular priced items from your site to my order.... let me know... thanks!


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
44   0   0
What about gift card winners ?

I will be doing a drawing this week for 6 $50 Gift cards but I have to print all the orders first to determine who is entered. If you bought something you will be entered to win a GC.

The GC's will be emailed to the email address provided.



Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
44   0   0
Im sorry if you guys went over this... but... my credit card is showing pending charges for each item i sent through, but only three times did i get the email from manhattan reefs about winning the item. Just not sure what i got... if i only won 3 items i was hoping to tack on some regular priced items from your site to my order.... let me know... thanks!

I can do a quick search but I will need a name :)

I compare whats on the website to what actually went through on Paypal side(we use Paypal as a CC processor).

Its pretty convenient, both Paypal payments and CC payments will show up on the same page so I can accurately see if it all matches up.

If for some reason a charge is there(not just and authorization) that shouldn't be I will promptly refund.

Shoot me that name and I will do it now.



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