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So my calcium has been high for a while (600)
alk 9-10.
I dose 170 ml alk daily and was doing higher calcium. I brought the calcium down to 170 also and still high.
I just set it to 70ml a day and will wait for it to drop a bit..
Can this affect alk? Or can I shut calcium off for a week?
about 550 true gallons.. I change40 gallons every 10/15 days
Mixed reef tank

thanks guys


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Thats what I do when i see it going out of range. Turn off dosing, for CA, for a day or however long for tank to naturally bring it down. If you know the daily intake, you can figure how long it should take.

600 is pretty high so maybe a water change and then allow for a natural drop from that point.


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You can stop dosing cal until it drops to the correct level. I had the same issue a few months ago and just stopped dosing cal for a a week or so until it came down. No issues with it. Also the high cal wont cause any issues so you can bring it down slowly if you want.
Thanks brotha! You guys are helping a lot.. can be nerve wracking w this hobby, all
Else is spot on and just trying to be a pro like you guys now!?? (Acro wise)


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Jinxed me. Been running fine and then after replying to this post and after getting some acros. First time my CA spiked from 444 to 510 yesterday. Just bringing it down naturally then I'll start dosing again. In the meantime, plan to test again to see what my new daily consumption rate is with changed in corals.


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Jinxed me. Been running fine and then after replying to this post and after getting some acros. First time my CA spiked from 444 to 510 yesterday. Just bringing it down naturally then I'll start dosing again. In the meantime, plan to test again to see what my new daily consumption rate is with changed in corals.
Ah that’s not too high.. yes, I took mine down to 70 ml a day see if it comes down.. ive been running like 600 calcium for like 2 years probably ?
I’ll test tonight when I get home..

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