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Advanced Reefer
New York
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I was trying to save money using the Salifert calcium test with low resolution by using 1/2 of very small spoon and got a terrible reading so retried with high resolution. I realize my low resolution was way off because I can't measure with a very small spoon only 1/2 full.

Does someone know where I can get the correct level spoon for the Salifert Calcium test kit.



Advanced Reefer
New York
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What happened is I have a new reef tank that was getting bleached sps. So I tested my calc and it was very low. My tank is only 10 gallons with 12 lbs of live rock, so i test frequently with before and after water change. Tank is now more stable, so I tried doing the less accuracy that Salifert mentions in the instructions.

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Actinic Atoll

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I hear ya. Sometimes I do a barrage of one particular test that starts to get a little low. It's annoying to order one test kit by itself.

I used 2/3rds of a Hanna ULR phosphate box in the past few weeks, now I'm trying to put an order together so that I have more soon. (I hate ordering one small thing by itself.) lol My previous order was just kalkwasser, I debated getting more phosphate reagent but figured the full box I had would last a while.

I always have an extra bottle of alk reagent on hand though.

FWIW I don't test calcium that often. It's fairly abundant compared to alk and for most all but the high demand tanks it will be in the range if you are doing sufficient water changes and maybe adding a little kalkwasser.

If you are dosing kalkwasser, testing for alk also tests for calcium in a roundabout sort of way if you know what I mean. If you are doing the daily 2-part thing then ya I guess you're going to need a ton of calcium tests.

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