Has anyone used ebay.com for fish and corals? For the most part I have had good experiences of course the shipping can come to a lot, but if you shop around...??i wish there was a store in the bx:givebeer:
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Has anyone used ebay.com for fish and corals? For the most part I have had good experiences of course the shipping can come to a lot, but if you shop around...??i wish there was a store in the bx:givebeer:
To those talking about starting an LFS in the tremont throggs neck area. There already is one.. Its mostly fresh water with 5 or so up and coming sw tanks. I don't think he'll have any coral and i have never purchased anything besides a small heater from him and it was way over priced. So If theres a legit interest in opening a store here I'm all for it. I'll even work the night shifts!!!
I'm up for an LFS in the Bronx i'm tired of paying for tolls and gas going to queens and brooklyn, as a matter of fact i'm going to open one....
THAT WAS CHIPS! The Bar... I spent many nights in there as a... "young adult"
Going by tomorrow to check it out.