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Advanced Reefer
Ronkonkoma, NY
Rating - 100%
24   0   0
Good Morning

We got in a beautiful shipment from Kenya on Thursday. The fish are looking great, some stuff that you will rarely see. Here is a list of what came in

6 African Pygmy Angel Centropyge acanthops
2 Emperor Angel Pomacanthus imperator med
4 Allard?s clownfish Amphiprion xanthurus
3 Yellow-bellied Anemonefish Amphiprion chrysogaster
5 Sunburst Goby Amblygibius Aurora
25 Kauri shell(minimum 25 pic) Cypraea Moneta
3 Lyretail Coralfish (Nice Color) Pseuanthias squamipinnis female
8 Velvet Fish (Maroon colaration) Caracanthus sp.
3 Velvet Fish (White / purpel colaration) Caracanthus sp.
9 Blue striped Pipe Fish Doryrhamphus melanopleura
5 Convict Surgeon fish Acanthurus triostegus
1 Desjardin`s Sailfin Tang Zebrasoma veliferum med
7 Blue Tang - Yellow belly 1.5 - 3.0 inch Paracanthurus hepatus med 1.5 - 3.0 inch
1 Queen Coris Coris africana formosa med
2 African Clown Wrasser Coris gaimard med
8 Exquisite Wrasser Cirrhilabrus exquisitus
3 Social Fairy Wrasser Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis
10 Radiant Wrasser Halichoeres iridis
5 Dusky Wrasser Halichoeres marginatus
2 Mystery Wrasser Pseudocheilinus specie

Thanks for looking

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