Here is a partial list of animals in stock for tomorrow's 6/15 (8pm-11pm) Lights Out Special. The first number is our normal low price and the second number is the special 20% discounted price !!!!!!
Lights Out Special 6/15 8pm-11pm
Good Reef Fish
Bicolor Pseudochromis $14.99 11.99
Diadema Pseudochromis $14.99 11.99
Strawberry Pseudochromis $14.99 11.99
Red Pygmy Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella Triocellata) $34.99 27.99
Twinspot (Signal) Goby $19.99 15.99
Blue Spot Jawfish $99.00 79.20
Royal Gramma's $16.99 13.59
M-XL Bangai Cardinal's $18.99 15.19
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura) $34.99 27.99
Yellow Coris Wrasse $16.99 13.59
Clean Up Crew
Blue Leg Hermit's $1.00 0.80
Red Leg Reef Hermit $1.00 0.80
Cerrith Snails $1.00 0.80
Margarita Snails $1.00 0.80
Nassarius vibex snails $1.00 0.80
Astrea turbo snails $1.00 0.80
Emerald Crab $7.99 6.39
Peppermint Shrimp $6.99 5.59
Dwarf Angelfish
Coral Beauty Angel's $29.99 23.99
Eibl's Angel's $29.99 23.99
Flame Angel's $49.99 39.99
Aiptasia Eating Filefish $24.99 19.99
Sea Hare's $24.99 19.99
Green Serpent Stars $16.99 13.59
Cool Inverts
Long Tentacle Anemone $45.00 36.00
Tube Anemone(Cerianthus) $45.00 36.00
Coco Worm's $24.99 19.99
Large Bl Anenome (Cryptodendrum adhaesivum) $159.00 127.00
Linkia Blue Starfish $17.99 14.39
Red Fromia Starfish $19.99 15.99
Sustainable Aquatics Tank-Raised
Snow Oynx Pair ( Ocellaris x Percula Hybrid) $199.00 159.20
Platinum Pair ( Percula) $229.00 183.20
Lg Orange Clowns (Amphiprion Ocellaris) $18.99 15.19
Orange Full Bar (Amphiprion Ocellaris) $13.99 11.19
Black Full Bar ( Amphiprion Ocellaris) $34.99 27.99
Orange Mis-Bars (Amphiprion Ocellaris) $13.99 11.19
Hope to see you there:grouphug:
Here is a partial list of animals in stock for tomorrow's 6/15 (8pm-11pm) Lights Out Special. The first number is our normal low price and the second number is the special 20% discounted price !!!!!!
Lights Out Special 6/15 8pm-11pm
Good Reef Fish
Bicolor Pseudochromis $14.99 11.99
Diadema Pseudochromis $14.99 11.99
Strawberry Pseudochromis $14.99 11.99
Red Pygmy Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella Triocellata) $34.99 27.99
Twinspot (Signal) Goby $19.99 15.99
Blue Spot Jawfish $99.00 79.20
Royal Gramma's $16.99 13.59
M-XL Bangai Cardinal's $18.99 15.19
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura) $34.99 27.99
Yellow Coris Wrasse $16.99 13.59
Clean Up Crew
Blue Leg Hermit's $1.00 0.80
Red Leg Reef Hermit $1.00 0.80
Cerrith Snails $1.00 0.80
Margarita Snails $1.00 0.80
Nassarius vibex snails $1.00 0.80
Astrea turbo snails $1.00 0.80
Emerald Crab $7.99 6.39
Peppermint Shrimp $6.99 5.59
Dwarf Angelfish
Coral Beauty Angel's $29.99 23.99
Eibl's Angel's $29.99 23.99
Flame Angel's $49.99 39.99
Aiptasia Eating Filefish $24.99 19.99
Sea Hare's $24.99 19.99
Green Serpent Stars $16.99 13.59
Cool Inverts
Long Tentacle Anemone $45.00 36.00
Tube Anemone(Cerianthus) $45.00 36.00
Coco Worm's $24.99 19.99
Large Bl Anenome (Cryptodendrum adhaesivum) $159.00 127.00
Linkia Blue Starfish $17.99 14.39
Red Fromia Starfish $19.99 15.99
Sustainable Aquatics Tank-Raised
Snow Oynx Pair ( Ocellaris x Percula Hybrid) $199.00 159.20
Platinum Pair ( Percula) $229.00 183.20
Lg Orange Clowns (Amphiprion Ocellaris) $18.99 15.19
Orange Full Bar (Amphiprion Ocellaris) $13.99 11.19
Black Full Bar ( Amphiprion Ocellaris) $34.99 27.99
Orange Mis-Bars (Amphiprion Ocellaris) $13.99 11.19
Hope to see you there:grouphug: