I picked up this product on monday at greenwich aquaria.
Jason was using it in his tanks so I thought that was a good recomendation. After reading about it I thought I would give it a try.
the description on the web site states,
Ultra Life as a carrier material to feed amino acids to clams Mix a few drops of Ultramin S and Ultra-live and feed this to your Tridacna clams. You will be surprised to see the increase in coloration!
UltraLive is a highly active natural clay mineral that adsorbs Nitrate, Nitrite, and Phosphates. The pollutants will be bound onto the mineral and can be removed by the skimmer.
Its large surface area allows for easy colonization with bacteria. Its has a unique Ion-exchanger capacity. UltraLive efficiently binds ammonia, ammonium, prevents nitrite ad nitrate formation and reduces detritus. It removes unwanted yellowness and toxic substances. Ultralife increases the efficiency of the protein skimmer, especially when using food rich in fat, like Cyclop Eeze or Ultramin F.
Instruction for use and dosing recommendations:
Please do all changes in the aquarium slowly and carefully monitor the water quality!
Mix 1 Teaspoon in 100 ml of Reverse Osmosis or de-ionized water. Shake well for 30 seconds before use. The normal dose of 10 ml for 40 L of water can be increased up to threefold. In newly established tanks or with freshly introduced fishes use twice the normal dose. In tanks with high No2-, NH3-, NH4- concentrations, use the fourfold dose daily until nutrient levels come down.
UltraLive is a natural product that can be extremely helpful in many cases, it is NOT a substitute for regular water changes.
Content: 100 ml
Highly active natural clay mineral
Binds ammonia, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, Phosphate
Removes unwanted yellowness and organic pollutants
Prevents wet skimming
I'm not sure about the NO3 levels in my tank. I have a seachem test kit that does not detect any NO3, knowing that it's not the most accurate way to test I can say that my NO3 levels are at least in the low range.
According to the hanna meter my PO4 is .04 The PO4 is the reason I wanted to try the product. I'll test the water again after a full cup of skimmate has been produced. I'm also running a TLF reactor with rowaphos to try to cut down the PO4, my target is .015
I should also mention that I started dosing with the Reef Nutrition products.
This could be why the PO4 was not going down as fast as I thought it would using the rowaphos. I'm hoping the Ultra Life will balance out the addition of food for the clams and corals. Of course I'm keeping up with the water changes as well.
Using the product: I mixed 1.5 teaspoons in with 150ml of RO water per the directions and poured it into the sump. The product looks like a fine brown diatom powder, and clouded the tank for about a half hour.
Before using the product I cleaned the skimmer, after using the product the skimmer has not reacted in any way. It's looking like it's going to take a while to start skimming again. The bubbles in the ex-2 are reaching the top of the neck and just breaking, no foam/skimmate is being produced yet. As for the creatures in the tank, nothing reacted in a negative way to the powder. The clams stayed open, the PE on all the coral was normal, and the fish and inverts acted like nothing was wrong with the cloudy tank.
I guess it will be awhile before any results are in. thanks for reading.
- jhale
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