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New Reefer
So last night I was looking at the tank with the lunar lights and it seemed that my Christmas tree rock was extremely fuzzy, I looked a little closer and the white fuzzy stuff appears to be tons of very small feather duster looking things. They were too small to get a clear pic of but you can see the fuzzy stuff. This morning they are gone and rock looks like it normally does. Is this normal?? Thanks!




Experienced Reefer
I honestly think it is normal because alot of things come out at night and in the day you dont see them at all.


Advanced Reefer
I'm not positive, but I think what you are talking about is the living porites coral that the Christmas tree worms are living in.

The polyps normally come out more at night, but you should notice that they will start coming out during the day as well.



New Reefer
Thanks for your replies. I have started looking more closely the last day or so and noticed some of these "white fuzzy things" out in smaller numbers during the day. Just wanted to make sure I didn't have anything crazy going on... thanks again!




By putting in the url you posted I could see your images, but no matter how I tried I couldn't get them linked here...sorry. But as kgross said it is a porites coral, commonly known as Christmas Tree due to the fanworms living within the porites colony. If you're interested, there is plenty of care info out on the 'net about porites coral, unfortunately lots of people buy them for those fanworms without realizing that if the coral dies, so do they.

Here's a link to one article about the fanworms from here:

http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/ ... toonen.htm

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