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Advanced Reefer
Hi all,

Got a few critters on some new LR for my Green Wolf Eel tank. Some cool little brittle stars, nifty sponges and featherdusters and something I think is an apstasia. Anyone confirm? In the lower left is also a clear type of anemone with whitish little nodules at the end of each arm - there's a few of these on this rock as well.



Advanced Reefer
Sure looks like aiptasia to me. The reason it is bad, is that it is very hardy (very hard to kill), reproduces rapidly, and has a strong sting. So it will grow around your other corals and sting them, normally killing them.



Well, you could use that to your advantage. They take up extra nutrients in the water and I imagine that eel eats quite a bit.


Advanced Reefer
He is a bit of a pig - He was fed only goldfish for about the past month or two so I'm feeding krill only at this point. Have an order of Selcon coming in to soak the krill first. I'm feeding him twice a day and giving him 4 krill each time - have to find out what a good amount to give him is. Don't want him to starve, but don't want to overfeed him.

I'll try posting something in the regular thread - finally have some good pics of him.

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