Active Reefer
Well today I decided to take a very good look at my tank with a small high powered light with a blue lens over it. While checking everything out I found, through my little research what might be several, large and small
cirratulid. One is dark in color with white and black segments on it and one with red a black segmants. They dont seem to be doing any harm, so i dont want to loose them. What I cant find is info on if they are good or bad for the tank?
On another note I keep loosing fish, i dont know why. Everything checks out to be within specs.I.E salenity, alk, PH, Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite. The only fish that have stay constant over the last month are my Domino Damsel and my Yellow Watchman Goby. It is very very frustrating due to the fact that my 65 pounds of live rock seems to be flourishing like i have never seen before.
cirratulid. One is dark in color with white and black segments on it and one with red a black segmants. They dont seem to be doing any harm, so i dont want to loose them. What I cant find is info on if they are good or bad for the tank?
On another note I keep loosing fish, i dont know why. Everything checks out to be within specs.I.E salenity, alk, PH, Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite. The only fish that have stay constant over the last month are my Domino Damsel and my Yellow Watchman Goby. It is very very frustrating due to the fact that my 65 pounds of live rock seems to be flourishing like i have never seen before.