I don't often buy corals without knowing what they are and knowing whether I can provide them with what they need but I saw this one in a fish store and I was wondering what it is...I'm itching to buy it. THANKS
Yes, it's an encrusting soft coral commonly known as "star polyps". This one would have been identified previously as Pachyclavularia, but is now known as Briareum.
Well, I bought it...Thanks for the warning...I have my machete ready. Just for the record though, the polyps on this one each have a thin, crusty like neck that's a rosey red color. It's a little too dark to tell in the pic, and the necks and the stars are a nice pink color, not too different than you can see in the photo.
Here is a shot of what the green guys look like. It was about 1/2 as thick when I got it, about 2 months ago. I've seen pics of these things under intense lights where the green fronds literally get so thick they point up toward the lights like grass.
So, let's review...There's no Jesus in the pic, and I have "star polyps," which are scientifically known as Briareum. The coral is doing better in my tank already than it was in the fish store, so I'm happy for that. I'm also grateful for your help in figuring out what it is.