thanks for the link. I'm almost positive they are the ones in the bottom right picture in the original group of 5 pictures on that site. The text doesn't mention much about them axcept this, "The lower right image is a composite of three photos of a small white flatworm, which eats some of the brown flatworms found in many reef tanks. It may also eat the red planarian, but this is uncertain, and experiments are being done to confirm this." So from this it seems that this guy is fairly harmless, maybe even beneficial by eating other flatworms. I will try to get a picture if I can. BTW, the tank was just recently set up, the live rock is all new, about 3 weeks post cycle, but the few corals, fish, inverts, and all the sand is from an established tank i've had running for a year. I think the probably came in on the new LR, as I've never seen them in the old tank. Thanks for the help