I have some creatures on a GSP rock that I've never seen before. There are about 15-20 of them. They have a "tentacle" that they extend and retract in jerky movements about 1-1.5" long. This is not a mucus strand like some worms and vermetid snails use, and it is not a brittle star arm. It has a definite structure to it, that I've attempted to draw below. The "tentacle" is about the thickness and color of spider silk.
Unfortunately I cannot get a picture of these things. It's like trying to take a picture of spider silk in midair. I also can't see what they look like on the rock, because they are located deep in between the GSPs.
My first guess was some type of sessile ctenophore, but the tentacle structure doesn't look right.
Unfortunately I cannot get a picture of these things. It's like trying to take a picture of spider silk in midair. I also can't see what they look like on the rock, because they are located deep in between the GSPs.
My first guess was some type of sessile ctenophore, but the tentacle structure doesn't look right.