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I have these white spots which periodically appear on the rocks, usually 30 or so at a time, clustered together. Sometimes they stay, then get greened over, other times they have disappeared. They are oval, slightly domed and a little less than 1/8" long.

I assume they are someone's eggs, but can't figure out whose. I have 2 tangs, a clownfish, 3 green chromis, a blennie, green dragonet, red leg hermits and various snails. Tank is 9 months old.


  • white dots april 1 2004.jpg
    white dots april 1 2004.jpg
    103.2 KB · Views: 442


2 tangs
a clownfish
3 green chromis
a blennie
green dragonet
red leg hermits
and various snails.

rule them out.
the clown doesn't have eggs like that nor does it reproduce asexually :)
rule out the hermits, as they don't lay eggs the female carries them? right?
rule out the snials because usually they deposit them in a mass or trail ... but who knows. i just think it's likely that they are not the snail eggs.


It's tough to tell by this picture but when you say they appear and disappear I would say these are not eggs but are Moluscs of either the family Patellidae or Fissurellidae commonly called Limpets. These are marvelous algae and diatom eaters.

David Mohr

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