That is my guestion of the day. Should I put my bubble in the sand on the bottom along with my leather or should it be half way in the tank. Let me know. Also is there a webpage where it shows to place your corals at?
you can check pretty good overall site for general info. i had my bubble near the bottom portion of my tnak but not sitting onthe sand bed... my sand gets kicked up from time to time by the fish so i placed it off the sand
the leather will enjoy medium current and will tolerate the light at the bottom or middle levels. if you have some medium current brushing across the surface, it will extend its polyps farther and look extra happy.
yeah I know about the air part, Its doing pretty well so far. but my new separt star( burg) in color is not doing so well. It hasn't moved in two days, and one of my peppermint shrimp guys was picking at it last night. So I had to play dad and shoe him away. I think it may have died, I will call the fish store I got it from and see what they say.
I keep my bubble coral placed into the sandbed..It does fine..most of my LPS corals are on the bottom of my sandbed as this is the easiest place for placing them, however, you can keep them anywhere youd like given you meet its needs with light, current, room for growth, etc...