These things are thriving in my tanks. About them:
1. NEVER goes on the sand, ever. Glass and rockwork only.
2. Appears to be algae grazer, i have yet to see it on a coral.
3. Obvious snail relative. "head" has a snail mouth and two snail antenna
4. The Foot extends back past the shell
5. The shell is a lot like a clamshell. In fact, that's what I thought it was at first. There's even an irregular place where the shell hinge might have been. But the creature makes its own shell, I've watched the one in the pic grow from about 1cm to about 1inch
6. The one in the pic is mostly pure black when viewed by the naked eye. The shell has weird iridescent sheen action going on.
7. I also have fluorescent orange and tan/sand/camoflague varieties.
8. They reproduce quickly, especially the black ones.
9. Very tough to get a pic of, usually a night creature.
1. NEVER goes on the sand, ever. Glass and rockwork only.
2. Appears to be algae grazer, i have yet to see it on a coral.
3. Obvious snail relative. "head" has a snail mouth and two snail antenna
4. The Foot extends back past the shell
5. The shell is a lot like a clamshell. In fact, that's what I thought it was at first. There's even an irregular place where the shell hinge might have been. But the creature makes its own shell, I've watched the one in the pic grow from about 1cm to about 1inch
6. The one in the pic is mostly pure black when viewed by the naked eye. The shell has weird iridescent sheen action going on.
7. I also have fluorescent orange and tan/sand/camoflague varieties.
8. They reproduce quickly, especially the black ones.
9. Very tough to get a pic of, usually a night creature.