I am realatively new (4 mo.) and have a 7Gal nano - It's fine, but I have a concern with three forms of life.
1) Aiptaisia - finally got a pep shrimp and it remove them almost immed.
2) Bubble Alagae - read that an emerald crab would help - we'll see
3) Hydroids - came in on the live rock (looks identical to the hitch-faq and under blue LED has a green flourescense in the center of the polyps) and they are doing quite well, with new colonies popping up over time. I also have what seems to be the cup-shaped-Hydra-attached-to-the-rock-stage in a small cave in the live rock. Since they have reached pest proportions, I would like to control them. I cannot find the scientific name for what is pictured in the faq (it is identical in appearence to what I have) and I cannot find mention of how to control them (is breaking off the tubes or sealing them shut ??? an option?). Sorry that the post is so lengthy and I would appreciate any help that ya'll can give.
1) Aiptaisia - finally got a pep shrimp and it remove them almost immed.
2) Bubble Alagae - read that an emerald crab would help - we'll see
3) Hydroids - came in on the live rock (looks identical to the hitch-faq and under blue LED has a green flourescense in the center of the polyps) and they are doing quite well, with new colonies popping up over time. I also have what seems to be the cup-shaped-Hydra-attached-to-the-rock-stage in a small cave in the live rock. Since they have reached pest proportions, I would like to control them. I cannot find the scientific name for what is pictured in the faq (it is identical in appearence to what I have) and I cannot find mention of how to control them (is breaking off the tubes or sealing them shut ??? an option?). Sorry that the post is so lengthy and I would appreciate any help that ya'll can give.