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New Reefer
I am realatively new (4 mo.) and have a 7Gal nano - It's fine, but I have a concern with three forms of life.
1) Aiptaisia - finally got a pep shrimp and it remove them almost immed.
2) Bubble Alagae - read that an emerald crab would help - we'll see
3) Hydroids - came in on the live rock (looks identical to the hitch-faq and under blue LED has a green flourescense in the center of the polyps) and they are doing quite well, with new colonies popping up over time. I also have what seems to be the cup-shaped-Hydra-attached-to-the-rock-stage in a small cave in the live rock. Since they have reached pest proportions, I would like to control them. I cannot find the scientific name for what is pictured in the faq (it is identical in appearence to what I have) and I cannot find mention of how to control them (is breaking off the tubes or sealing them shut ??? an option?). Sorry that the post is so lengthy and I would appreciate any help that ya'll can give.


You'll want to get control of hydroids ASAP, as there is no easily found biological control AFAIK. My method was to simply rip out as many off the proteinaceous tubes as possible. Take the rock out of the water, rip them off, and rinse the area off in some fresh water. Scrub with a toothbrush as well. You can the cover them up with epoxy, or simply bury that side of the rock under sand, or just throw it away. They can start to spread fast, but are fortunately easy to manually remove.


New Reefer
Thanks Matt - I suspected as much. Thanks for the advice also, I will be brutal...

I broke one off about a week ago, to test if it would come back. Looks like I'll go after the rest.


I know this doesn't really apply to you, but in case someone else with a larger tank encounters these pests this is what i did. I bought a Copper Band Butterfly! I know i know, but they eat corals right? Well, actually i think i have been pretty fortunate, mine has Been eating nothing but Hydroids and Aiptasia, well...maybe a ALL my small feather dusters as well!! But to me, it was worth the price.!!!

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