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New Reefer
I got this little guy from my LFS. He's got a very exotic look, so I figured I'd ask the owner about him before I bought him. They said 5 or 6 crawled out of a sea apple(symbiotic?) that they got in. They gave him to me for free because they didn't know what kind he was. I put him and some snails in my quarantine tank. He would hide out in the rock all the time. But everytime my turbo snail would go near him he would tag along with him until he got too far from his hideout. It looked at first like he was cleaning him of parasites, and maybe he was. But a couple of days later I noticed him attacking the snail. The turbo didn't act like he was in any danger, just annoyed with the shrimp, because the turbo is quite a bit larger than him. So I put him in my refugium on my main tank just in case. I've tried feeding him fish food and fresh shrimp but haven't seen him eat it. I took some pics but they're not that clear. He's about 1/2" long. He has 6 legs and 4 arms/pinchers. The front 2 arms act more as hands while the larger ones just behind, as claws. His carapace and abdomen look like one continous smoothe piece. His body has alternating black, yellow, and white stripes. The head and face region is short and stubby. The rostrum is very short and stubby even for his small size. I'd appreciate any help identifying him or anything pointing me in the right direction. I've done a little research to no avail.


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Experienced Reefer
Very cool! It's a Bumblebee shrimp (Gnathophyllum americanum). They do live in association with cucumbers, some starfish and urchins.


Experienced Reefer
I should add that these shrimps are closely related to the Harlequin shrimps (Hymenocera spp.). Like the Harlequins, these will feed on echinoderm tube feet. But unlike Harlequins, these will acclimate to other natural and prepared foods.

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