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Experienced Reefer
It started when I noticed clicking noises in my tank. I thought...Pistol...Mantas? So researched at length throughout the web for information on the two. Not having seen anything in the tank at this point made ID all guesswork. THEN I lost a clown fish with no trace or body or bone left. Not a trace. ALIENS...No worse a two and a half inch rusty brown color crab. BIG hairy legs like a tranchula. Made my friend jump. Big black claws. Two days later I lost a very precious Chevron Tang that cost me a fortune. He had only been in the tank for two days. No trace not even a burp. GUTTED. Whos gonna be next?????
Managed to click a very blury pic of IT just before IT dissapeared into the reef. This pic doesn't give a good gauge of its size. Look just behind the shell in the foreground and you can see its eyes and plated body. Second pic was taken just before from other side of tank. It shows a claw poking out of rock. My tang was at least two inches big and very able to look after himself.
I also lost a Strawberry Wrasse this morning too. Just woke up and then seemed to die at front of tank an hour later!! Coincedence or connected somehow?
How do I get rid of this murderer without ripping my reef apart. Which I will do if I have too, but would like to avoid.



  • evilllllllllllllllll.jpg
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Experienced Reefer


  • evil clawa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg
    evil clawa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg
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Put a piece of shrimp in a short glass and lower the glass into the tank and lean it slightly against the rock that the crab is hiding in. The crab should find his way into the glass but he wont be able to climb out because the glass is too steep and slipery. He'll be trapped in the bottom of the glass. Then remove the glass and turn on the garbage disposer. 8O



Advanced Reefer
A piece of shrimp or fish (raw) against the glass, and a net nearby also works. The crab goes out to look for the food, then, you net him (her).

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