So, I think it is a basket star. It has arms like a bristle star, but it filter feeds. The arms are <5mm long. For size reference, to the left is Psuedoterogorgia and above is Pocillpora damincornis.
Personally, I think this thing is just a retarded brittle star. It's arms don't branch, but it certainly behaves like it's filter feeding. Mike, I think you should pull it out of the tank to photograph it if possible.
Well, I looked when I got to work this morning and it seems that my little echinoderm friend went back to hide in the rockwork. It is probably because you guys were making fun of him. Bullies.
"Whoo-dee-hoo, I have a basket star." What a braggart. I guess we can all start forgetting about our own tanks, because MIKE has a basket star.... Let's ignore him, SM.