C cbooth Reefer Sep 25, 2003 #1 Can anyone identify the algea, it is not spreading but what is there is growing quickly. I just want to know if I should remove it or just trim it back ro put it in a fuge.
Can anyone identify the algea, it is not spreading but what is there is growing quickly. I just want to know if I should remove it or just trim it back ro put it in a fuge.
A Anonymous Guest Sep 25, 2003 #2 ohhhh man thats the elusive Red X algae. Its so rare that scientists havent been able to classify it yet, you should definetly save it :lol:
ohhhh man thats the elusive Red X algae. Its so rare that scientists havent been able to classify it yet, you should definetly save it :lol:
S smlacy Experienced Reefer Sep 25, 2003 #4 In other words: We don't have access to the images you posted. I think your URLs are busted. They were like this: http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/users/3f3ea2cf ... _A0v_Ulxhy Looks like something out of a Yahoo Briefcase. Try posting again, but make sure you log out of your briefcase and can still see the pictures from here. Steve
In other words: We don't have access to the images you posted. I think your URLs are busted. They were like this: http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/users/3f3ea2cf ... _A0v_Ulxhy Looks like something out of a Yahoo Briefcase. Try posting again, but make sure you log out of your briefcase and can still see the pictures from here. Steve