Well, I know its a long shot, but recently after setting up my 18g work nano, I noticed a small red nudi living in my red zooanthids. When he stops moving, he looks exactly like one of the polyps. Pretty neat.
This morning, I noticed that it had layed some eggs on the polyps. Now I'm a little concerened. I have no idea what it eat, what it is, or pretty much anything. I hate killing things, so I thought I'd post a picture here on the long shot that someone might be able to declare it benign.
http://www.phortawesome.com/tank/nano/1 ... 010002.JPG
Sorry about the size of the picture, but I figured you needed the detail.
This morning, I noticed that it had layed some eggs on the polyps. Now I'm a little concerened. I have no idea what it eat, what it is, or pretty much anything. I hate killing things, so I thought I'd post a picture here on the long shot that someone might be able to declare it benign.
http://www.phortawesome.com/tank/nano/1 ... 010002.JPG
Sorry about the size of the picture, but I figured you needed the detail.