Ok so I’ve been watching this guy for awhile. He moves fast, only comes out at night, and has a beautiful shell. Oh Yea and now there are about 20 or more little ones all over the tank. What is it?
Stomatella varia. It's a fairly common grazer that will reproduce in your tank. They do move really quickly when you touch them! I've noticed they will shed part of their foot when aggravated similar to how some lizards shed their tails to distract predators. I'm not sure if this was just one snail or is a common trait among them.
Matts right. Theyre a very cool snail and will occasionally come out during the day to breed. Usually every week or two. They all come out at the same time and head near the highest rocks they can find. They will kind of stand up on the back of their foot and start puffing their "stuff" into the water. Looks like a smoking party going on. You will have tons of these in no time.