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Active Reefer
Caught these on live rock. I assume the crab is no good, but please let me know before i remove him permanently.

The other thing, I'm not sure, bad killer isopod?? I recently lost a clownfish rather suddenly. Fish was doing fine and water quality was good, so I want to investigate all the creepy crawlys in my tank to make sure i don't have any mantis or parasitic isopods.



I can't see your image.

I think you would know if the isopods are parasitic, you would see them attached to the fish for a while before it perished. They don't take down fish in a single evening.


Advanced Reefer
Based on an image you will not be able to tell one isopod from another. But, to help you figure out if its parasitic or not, just look over your fish very well. Look often cause the 'pods can release and swim away to hide. But, they are obligate fish feeders, which means they will absolutely be visible on the fish. If you have one, you have many and all the fish are at risk.

I doubt you'd be able to catch or find a predatory isopod off of a fish's skin either.

Just keep an eye on the fish, but I am doubting you have any isopod problems.


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