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New Reefer
hi , i have two fuzzy white crabs and they both are about 1.5 in. big and am worried that they will try to eat my cleaner shrimp. r these guys bad or good? or just ugly?


Experienced Reefer
Do they have two prongs close to their mouths that look like feathers (and wave them for a few seconds, then bring in). If so, you have porcelain crabs-they're a hitchhiker on most anemones, but have seen them hitch on LR only. They are filter-feeders, and shouldn't harm your shrimp.
On the other hand, they may also be hairy crabs, do a search on them, you'll see the trouble they can get into. Most shrimp could escape a smaller crab, unless injured severely.

Here's a link that might help:
http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t ... airy+crabs


Advanced Reefer
Sounds like the typical rock hitchiker crabs. I have two of them in my main tank and they are now approaching 4" in size. I have been trying hard to remove it for some time now and haven't managed it. I would indeed imagine that they will eat shrimp and small resting fish. I have lost a wrasse and 2 cleaner gobies without sign... eaten or just lost who knows.

I'd remove it if possible.

Is it digging around under the rock at all? Can you see its pincers? Is so, are they reddish brown and pointed?


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