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Advanced Reefer
Hey people,

Well, I don't even know what these are, but I have a small bunch of them. They were fully green and roundish. A couple of days ago I noticed one of them was turning white and assumed that it was being harrassed. I just looked over and noticed that a stupid snail (who by the way is now in the dog house) ate half of one of these things. Does anybody know that the heck these are?

Help me before I murder my snails..... :twisted:


  • greenthingies.jpg
    27 KB · Views: 485


my (semi educated)guess is a type of macroalgae-(90% sure)it's turning white was prob'ly the result of it's chlorophyll loss as the snail was eating it- caulerpa does the same thing when it dies-i'm pretty sure i've seen this stuff, too, on the occasional live rock-'tubular valonia' is the best descriptive term i can come up with-there is a really good guide book to algaes and macro's, but for the life of me, i can't remember the name-it was a field guide, of sorts- maybe someone else can offer a title?...

hth( :oops:-maybe not much :oops: )


Advanced Reefer
It is a type of valonia from the pictures. I have a couple of mats of it in my refugium... it grows into quite a thick mat over time. Which makes it easier to yank from the tank.

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