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Experienced Reefer
HI, found this shrimp in some rock tonight while looking for the source of the clicking. I have seen what looks to be Mantis shrimp babies and have caught several with a turkey baster. While looking for "MOM", I found this guy who did do a click in the container. Can someone ID him for me? The books I've read don't seem to ID him as a Mantis.


Advanced Reefer
Pistol shrimp. They are great and very interesting. It will dig tunnels in your sand and feed on detritus and other meaty matters. It will search it's own food, you don't even need to feed him. If your tank has numerous predators, you may not see him much at all.


Advanced Reefer
I wonder what it is you are pulling out with your turkey baster, are you sure they are not amphipods
check out the hitchhiker FAQ here at reefs.org you might find the critters you are pulling out are ok to keep


Advanced Reefer
The critter in Reefman150's pic is most definitely a pistol. Most folks directly attribute any clicking or popping noise in their tanks to a mantis. In your case, the source is most likely right in that pic. I have a 3" olive pistol in a small tank in my bedroom, and it has woken me from a sound sleep before with its popping. Other than their tunneling activities which may undermine your aquascaping, they're harmless

You might also watch your tanks for snails on the glass. When irritated, some will rapidly pivot back and forth in an attempt to rid themselves of an irritant, thus whacking their shell repeatedly against the glass.


Experienced Reefer
Thanks for the pic Jawbone. Yep...thats what I was pulling out. I have returned them to the tank. The flush monster did not get them! :D I guess I've read too many horror stories about those Mantis demons :twisted: and was a bit paranoid. The knowledge from experience all you people offer to this site for fellow reef keepers is awesome. I would have been too hesitant to invest so much $$ into my setup if not for all of you here. Thanks!

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