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Is this a pyramidellidae snail? It doesn't seem to be as elongated as the pic's that I have is very small,moves quick,seems to live in the sandbed,so far it acts like a detrivore, I haven't seen it attack anything yet.


Advanced Reefer
Mebbe, mebbe not. I had some similar snails that lived clam-free in the detritus of my sump, and they would only come out at night.
Thanks chucker,I don't have clams in the tank yet,but I do have several snails and a very large cowry and until I see the mystery snails do something bad i'll leave them in there.
Just bought some nassarious snails today linty,they do look like the ones in my tank only bigger and the shells are not white...hopefully the mystery snails are babies that hiched in on something.


I think there are a ton of different kinds of nassarius snails.
How big are the bigger ones you got? I once got sold a molluscivore conch under the impression that it was just a big nassarius, it took me a long time to figure out what was killing my astraea :(
The mystery snails are about an eighth of a inch long , the nassarius that I bought are about a half an inch long. They act the same though,fast movers with the little syphon waving around.


Wow, didn't realize the mystery snails were so small.

The adults I've seen were all 1/2" or maybe 3/4" at the most.

If they don't seem to get any bigger or you are suspicious of them you could try asking dr. ron at

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