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Experienced Reefer
I have had something building these small webs in my tanks for a while now and am interested to know if anybody might have some idea whats building them and to what purpose?.
They look exactly like the sort of spiders web you seen on the lawn in the morning except that something is also decorating this web with smallish bits of sand and rock,I assume this is some kind of cover but I havent seen anything in or around them,any ideas? :?:


Advanced Reefer
Sounds like the tentacles of a spaghetti or medusa worm. Do they originate from a single place? Some of them have bands on them? Watch them, they'll grab food bits and drag them to the rock or sand where the worm lives. Its a good thing to have.

Failing that, some sponges grow in long thin lines as well...



Experienced Reefer
Thanks but I know what you are referrring to,what I should have said is that this web is actually spun between different rocks just as you would expect a spiders web to be spun :)


There are gastropods who feed by sending out strings of mucus, perhaps you have some of these in your tank? Are there multiple threads connecting at single points?


I noticed one the other day. It looks just like a spider web sitting between a rock cave I have. It's a small web, I would say about two inches in diameter. I have never observed anything around the web and I don't know what made it yet.


I have mine in my 3day old tank (cycling). These web are appearing on my "market prawn" and LR.



Advanced Reefer
Chester it sounds like a Vermetid Gastropod. The look kinda like a tube worm with a hinged top. They release a web of mucus to trap debri in the water.

JC, yours sounds like bacteria or fungus. It will go away very shortly after you "cycling shrimp" either decays, gets eaten, or is taken out.


Advanced Reefer
I agree, I was able to ID one of these in my own tank just this morning. Fascinating creatures, those vermetid snails.

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