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Advanced Reefer
I recently recieved a few coral frags and noticed that they have a tiny, very hard to see red 'bug' on them. They appear to be moving too fast to be flatworms. I am currently trying to isolate a few and get microscope pictures, but in the meantime, does anyone know what they might be?

Are they parasitic or merely living on the coral?

Anyone? Anyone? Beuhler, beuhler...


Advanced Reefer
Just what I needed to deal with... wonder if cleaner shrimp will have any affect on them.

Thanks for the links!!



Shrimp will not likely touch them. I had some "red bugs" on a few small frags, but they all disappeared about a month after adding a yellow clown goby. This goby of mine eats no prepared food, so I would advise ethics bordering on mandarin-like before thinking about adding one to your tank. It's always got a fat belly, so it's eating something. Others claim they will eat prepared food, but I've never seen such.

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