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Experienced Reefer
Not really hitchhikers. The person I ordered from made some substitutions. They're corals, I think.
But I'm new to corals and never saw them open. If anyone has a minute to look at the pics on my website (seahorse page) and give me some ideas, I'd appreciate it.

Kelly's web site


Advanced Reefer
The one on the left is a gorgonian. Yours is not photosynthetic (I am guessing). Just feed them phyto's or decapsulated artemia eggs.

The one on the right, I think, is button polyps. Unfortunatly, if they indeed are, they are photosynthetic. Although they appreciate occasional protein food supplement (frozen cubes), they do need stronger lighting for them to thrive.

HTH, Good horsing!
Hippocampus Zostrae! yeah!! pygmy seahorses!!
I love seahorses! judging by what u have (sea lettuce,mexicana,seahorse tree,shaving brush algae,sea cactus,ect..) did you by chance buy from seahorseworld.com?? or aqualand??
Drop me a line please [email protected]
ohh,.. and for the corals,.. the right ones are button polyps and the other one is possibly acropora or montipora, hard to tell from the pic.


Advanced Reefer
Actually, I think it is photosynthetic, as it looks like one polyp is extended, and it is colored. Basically, it's an encrusting species (looks like to me) and will grow fairly well in your tank (you have money plant in there, and it requires the same lighting pretty much as the gorgonian will). I agree on the other one, it's some sort of button polyp. It'll be easier to tell exactly what it is when it opens.

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