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What is this? It is on my new live rock. There are long (6") transparent, feather-like, filter feeding strands that originate from a .25" gelatinous blob on my live rock. It seems to let them "run out" and then draw them back in to collect whatever they feathers have caught. I have quite a few of these on my live rock. Looks interesting. Anyone know what these are? Sorry that the picture came out bad. Since they were transparent, they were hard to capture with a camera. Try the link below:



Check the hitchhiker faq--3rd rock page. It sounds like Vermetid gastropods.



Thanks for directing me to the FAQ, but I don't think that this creature is the one you pointed out. The strands on the one in my tank are definately structured like a feather. The cool thing is that the creature is able to suck them back down and up (I think it is collecting food). The strands are translucent and upon closer examination show that they are very structured. They wave in the water and then get sucked back down, then it lets them go up and wave some more then sucks them in again. I've noticed quite a few of these now.

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