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New Reefer
Anybody have an idea what these neon green things are? They are kind of cool looking, but since I let my tank become overwhelmed with aptasia before I found out what they were, I thought I would check on these early.





Advanced Reefer
Codium sp., a harmless macoalgae. Since we don't already have a pic of them in the HHFAQ, may I use yours as an example (properly cited of course)?


Advanced Reefer
saw something like that at my LFS, thiers they said where some type of polyps. any idea what they could have been as in polyps.

thought he said soemthing like oreintal polpys



Advanced Reefer
LB- prolly was referring to "snake polyps"- Practical Guide lists them tentatively as Isaurus tuberculatus.
Hi Guys, I have the same plants in my tank. I found them to be called neomeris (sp) a type of helimeda (sp). I found the info on a Hawaiian educational site. The only difference is yours seem to have more pronouced "rings".


Experienced Reefer
I had the same thing attached to the shells of some snails I purchased as part of a clean-up crew. Kindof like a funny hair-do for the snail! :)

Premium Aquatics said they were macroalgea (I called and asked)

Angela <><


It's them! It's them! I have them too and tried to describe them a while ago. Eventually got the right answer (Chucker's) - yours are much healthier than mine. Mine are really skinny at the bottom now and not as numerous, I assume they are dying off.

Sorry about the aptasia.


Experienced Reefer

I remember that discussion
. I've got these too, and that's a really good picture. Mine started on one rock, and then got thin and broke off and died. Within a week, there were a bunch sprouting on a rock that hadn't had them before. Now, I've got some thinning and dying, and some growing like mad. They seem to have a limited lifespan (just an observation in my tank, and not backed by data or knowledge).

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