Anybody have an idea what these neon green things are? They are kind of cool looking, but since I let my tank become overwhelmed with aptasia before I found out what they were, I thought I would check on these early.
Hi Guys, I have the same plants in my tank. I found them to be called neomeris (sp) a type of helimeda (sp). I found the info on a Hawaiian educational site. The only difference is yours seem to have more pronouced "rings".
It's them! It's them! I have them too and tried to describe them a while ago. Eventually got the right answer (Chucker's) - yours are much healthier than mine. Mine are really skinny at the bottom now and not as numerous, I assume they are dying off.
. I've got these too, and that's a really good picture. Mine started on one rock, and then got thin and broke off and died. Within a week, there were a bunch sprouting on a rock that hadn't had them before. Now, I've got some thinning and dying, and some growing like mad. They seem to have a limited lifespan (just an observation in my tank, and not backed by data or knowledge).