I have just set up a 20 gallon refugium for my 50 gallon reeftank. # days after adding livesand and rock to my Southdown sand, I discovered numerous tiny starfish on the glass. I do not have the ability to photograph these critters so I wil have to describe them. After viewing them with a magnifying glass on the tankwall, I notice 9 to 11 arms on them, the body of these stars are NOT bigger than the legs are. It does appear that some of the legs on these stars have sort of bumps on them (to small to tell if they are spikes). I will try to get a photo but in the mean time I need to know if these things could survive in a refugium. Do they only eat sps? I have allot of inverts as well as a six line wrasse in my display tank. Will they consume (safely) any that seep into the reeftank. Any advise is appreciated.