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long island, ny
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]So i went from my oceanic biocube 29, to the oceanic 90 gallon bow front. Dimensions are 48"x18"x29". Only 6 months after having the biocube i had to upgrade because i loved reefing so much! After searching for a good package deal i finally found my tank! (feel free to critique and help!) Since i am a college student, i wanted to make the tank pretty simple, so it would not be to hard for my dad to take care of when i went back to school, upstate.

(when i first got the tank i love the tank but pain in the butt taking off the bow canopy everytime to do maintenance, any diy things i can do?! maybe like a piano hinge?


i told my parents the tank was 7k to scare them you can almost make it out in the picture. first fish yorkie fish
2) this is the sump, it was a custom made acrylic sump(used)

3)after getting her all cleaned up and plumbing all setup. it was time to add live rock and water! I know it was stupid, but since i was using all of the live rock from my biocube about 45 pounds, and 20 lbs from the sand in the biocube + 2 bottles of bacteria i transfer my fish in the same day. Of course i made temp, sal, ph,dk was all the same. Had no cycle also!

4) i let the water settle down, and made sure there was no cycle then added some cora and fish l a while later.



5) sump area: i added the coralife superskimmer 125, very well priced and it started to work immediately, but takes up the whole damn sump. I was thinking about having a hob refugium on the sump but does that make sense? How do the pods go from the refugium to the sump, and through there to the tank if the return pump has foam on it. i also put the protein skimmer foam off and put the hose into a filter bag to remove micro bubbles from the tank i have a 950 gph return, run chemipure and carbon , and have a koralia 3 for more movement up top

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next post i will show you, the livestock corals and a few other angels of the tank.
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Advanced Reefer
long island, ny
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livestock. other angles.

here are a few other shots, i set up the tank to make sure there was know flow problems so the rocks had space between it and the glass.

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livestock: fish i have a hippo, yellow tang. flame angel, banggai cardinal, royal gramma and a clown. i cant tell whether or not the clown is a percula or ocellaris.

the hippo yellow, and banggai u can make out in my other photos.

the corals, i have acan,chalice, elegance(doing crappy), two hammers, riccordea,mushroom.... here are some pics.




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now on this coral, at the base there is something funny that is growing no idea what it is but when i shine light on it, it shrinks like a sphincter(for lack of a better word) here is a pic. the coral in front of the green starry polyp at its base to the left you can make it out.
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also on a shell i see an anemone looking creature on it, i don't think its aipatasia but what is it, its kind of pretty, it may have split once?


red base with white tentacles!

i have alot of other pics, if you want to check them out. Comments, questions concerns?

everything i have has started as frags, so they have grown alot! also one more question my gf surprised me with a clam, does the clam look healthy. i am upgrading my light for the clam, right now i am running a crappy,(coralife 4x65w pc) i want to run a 6x54 t5ho but i want to be able to adjust the glass canopies with out taking off lights, and suggestion on how to mod the cap, to be easier, and should i do the 6x54 or 4x54 because 4x54 fits better, and clam is really high up.

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Advanced Reefer
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I dont like your power situation in the pic above. The power strip is very close to the water, and if the timer falls out, or you remove it, it could fall into the sump....I would move the power strip, perhaps to the right side of the stand (On the side wall).

You have a plate coral, place that in the sand.

I would do more water changes to combat the Diatoms. You said all corals have grown since frags, which would suggest your tank has been up several months, but between the Diatoms(brown stuff on/in sandbed) and algae bloom, I would think you are only a few weeks into having livestock.....which makes me think you need to do ore water changes, as your tank was rushed from setup (By store that sold you stuff), and WC will help combat any problems that may arise from these issues.

Best of luck, looking good thus far....try to teach your dad as much as possible, as it would suck to have him kill everything while your at school.


Advanced Reefer
long island, ny
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yea your right about the power strip i have velcro'd it up since the pic but i will move it, the frags are from my biocube and have grown from the 6 months in there, how often and how much wc should i do, and my dad took care of the biocube for 3 months already!


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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sure, pair it up with another a big larger or smaller. that filter sock should be enough, the filter floss is going to do nothing but hold nitrates in your sump. just keep up with cleaning the sock and you should be fine.

and do you have one powerhead doing the whole tank? might want to think about another soon... imo

looks nice so far. needs some coraline algae to add some color to those rocks and then it will be real nice!


Advanced Reefer
long island, ny
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definitely, will keep up with the maintenance, im dosing bionic daily, so i think coraline algae will be here soon. should i use any additional supplements? also should i use purple up or no? thanks for the feedback? were would i put the additional powerhead? how. what size


renegade reefer
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tank look good i think u need that extra powerhead and i think u should point it up to mix the surfice of ur water it help add oxygen and it also stop that film like that build up when ur surfice water is still

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