gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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I made this led fixture and charlie1225 was nice enough to spend his time and come over today with his par meter to check the levels of my led's
I did not expect these numbers I figured my light would be equivalent to 250 MH but it turns out to be better par than what melevs reef listed with his 400 MH on magnetic ballasts.
My par readings were 1700 1 inch bellow the water ,700 6 inches bellow the water and 270 22 inches bellow the water this is all with the water surface being agitated like crazy from my vortech (when the surface is calm you get higher readings)
I guess i got a lot of light acclimation to go thru being my 150 MH numbers 1 inch bellow the water are what my LED par is at 22 inches bellow the water
After all the work and money invested in this fixture these test results made me real happy


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It's still just an "ugly" fixture :tongue1: cause I'm waiting on the parts for the rest of it , this is just a third of the lights with the controls to adjust intensity and color when the rest of the parts come I am planning on just assembling the 3 units with an aluminum frame and hanging it over my tank cause it will be in the fish/laundry room out of site from the display side of the tank.
This fixture will fit inside my 72 inch mh / pc light fixture's housing but there is no need to make it pretty I rather just sell my existing fixture to re-coupe a small portion of the money paid for this one.
The picture of the tank is with the led in the center and 2 96 watt pc and 150watt mh on EACH side it got over exposed in the center and this was with the camera in auto mode .
Instructions are pretty much the same as soundwaves from rc except that I used the controllable drivers for $5 a piece more total of $105 more money I can control the power and color I also used the amount of lights he did on his 48 inch tank to cover 24 inches I wanted to make sure there weren't any spotlighting or dark areas and if I ever decide to go all sps I can .I also used 44 degree optics.
The bulbs have 50,000 hours life that's at that point they will still be able to give 70% of there output at 8 hours per day that's over 13 years
I have been running the other fixture I made on my zoo tank for a few weeks now and am very happy with the results.
Soon I will be doing my kids 12 gallon eclipse with these cause the pc bulb in it heats the water up in the summer.


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Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Is there any noticeable spotlighting with the use of the optics? I noticed that you used 40 LEDs; How many did you wire in series? Eight? If so, what kind of buckpuck are you using?



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It depends how much power you give them at full power for 1 section covering 48 inches of the tank with more par than a 400 metalhalide it takes 148 watts plus whatever the buckpucks use that's not even worth mentioning but I don't need to run them at full power maybe only the sections over my sps

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