• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?

7)ALL interests(after 06-26-06) in the following items, please place the inquiries in the new thread

6)This week will mostly emphasize on paired animals and small fish

5)Closing order (Wed), send your orders early please.

4)Price Matching with Fishtown for PRRPAID and same/next day pick up only. Many members have compared Fishtown prices with mine so why not let me match it. However, this policy only goes for preorder and prepaid orders and same size items. I cannot match shrimps that are 1.5" with my 2" ones. I also would not sell the products that has stayed in my tank for a while at that price because I would not want to become another FT that has stock way more than the holding facilities.

3)Reminder: Order Closing on Wednesday, please place order by Tuesday so that I can organise better. Please leave a phone number in ordering.

2)The rare fish preorder still in effect despite a lot of the fish are renewed.

1)With new local wholesaler. I can start to send out an availability list for those who are interested in send me an email [email protected].

These fish are QT locally for at least 4 days before putting on the list and by the time you order it should already a week to 10 days.

The supplier promise me not to ship any sick fish.

Therefore, I would start to give it a shot.
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Product List and pics

22)Yellow Flower Pot


21)Yellow Goby

20)Yellow Cladellia Soft

19)Paired Gold Strip Maroon and Anemone Crab (ITEM REMOVED NOT SELLING ANYMORE)

18)Regular frags of coral $15
17)Tiny frags of coral from @$5+ in lots of 2

16) Walsmith MAC rocks $200-$428 a box call for details

15)Paired TRUE Percs $65
14)Paired Yashia goby with red/white banded shrimp $65
13)Anemone Shrimp w/ purple tip Sabae anemone $35
12)false percs w/ sabae $35

11)Squamipinnis Male and Female 1 each (i.e for 2 fish) $60
10)Twin Spot Goby x 2 $30

9)False percs $15
8)Firefish, Firefish Purple

7)neon goby (NOT engineer goby) $20
6)cleaner wrasse $8

5)Anemone Crab $6

4)Green Bulb Anemone LG $38
3)Condo Anemone $8

2)Cucumber Red $15

1)Feather Duster $7-$12
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Reserved for Q&A

This is a side story of the products.

For item #19, I have included the anemone crab there not because it happens to be staying with the same host but actually the Big Sis GSM actually thinks that the crab is part of the family.

There was a time when the crab wandered off the premise to the other corner of the tank and when the Big Sis GSM wakes up when the light is on, she swim over the crab and carry him back to the anemone. I manually turn off the light and back on after couple hours and I see her do the saem whenever he wandered a little far away. Couple days before I found that she did that I feel lucky already seeing my other tomato clown rearrange landscape by carry plants, small rubbles and such away from her cave. Now that I see another clown doing the baby sitting is even more interesting!

SECOND THOUGHT. I WOULD NOT SELL them anymore, it will bring me more happiness.
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For those who want to get you stuff this week, please confirm your orders with me, because it seems I got lost in the back and forth PMs. I don't wanna order 20 shrimps but only 2 pick. Thanks.

Anyway, for those who want them but worries that you cannot pick up from Brooklyn I can bring them to the swap.


Advanced Reefer
WingoAgency said:
4)Price Matching with Fishtown for PRRPAID and same/next day pick up only. Many members have compared Fishtown prices with mine so why not let me match it. However, this policy only goes for preorder and prepaid orders and same size items. I cannot match shrimps that are 1.5" with my 2" ones. I also would not sell the products that has stayed in my tank for a while at that price because I would not want to become another FT that has stock way more than the holding facilities.

Good idea, but why wouldn't I buy from FT where I can see fish and inverts eat and swim before purchasing? With your stuff the items must be prepaid and p/u immediately. Just a thought....
stingnyc said:
Good idea, but why wouldn't I buy from FT where I can see fish and inverts eat and swim before purchasing? With your stuff the items must be prepaid and p/u immediately. Just a thought....

Very simple-the more handling of a live stock, the more likely it dies.

You have heard how live stock die simply upgrading from one tank to the other. When a live stock shipped into NY, they are in stress. Then, they are put into a tank with many other different species in different batches. This made them more likely to contract diease either from the LFS system or simply from different batches. Think of it as concentration camp. That's the major reason why fish from LFS have so many problems when they stayed a week or two in the shop or in your tank!!!!! I believed many of us experienced that. A perfectly looking fish becomes very unhealthy in your own tank, which I believed you would claim it's diease free,in a week. Where and when do they get the diease???

I never ask anyone to pick up a fish that's already unheathly because of the transist. Therefore, it's a win win situation-for the fish sake(less chance of contracting diease or mis-acclimation) and as for the customer, less likely to have a NEWLY INFECTED fish. The customers never loose their money.

Note that when a fish is unhealthy before or during transist, it is still unhealthy before it gets to a consumer in either systems. The difference between these two systems is that the additional chance of getting a new problem or not.

BTW a client of mine has preferred to buy my fish in unopened bags besides needing to know where I get the fish from(I mean the wholesaler/importer). She seems to know how the breeder, fish farm and large wholesale network operate. Stocks are all seperated by batches(that's the environment I used to work in-all batches of fish are QT in seperate tanks, not sure how nowadays people do though-many people/LFs claim they have big holding system or how many tanks they have but they forgot about how to stop diease spreading by mixing batches/species of fish together while holding.) Therefore, she prefers me not to touch them.

Now, all in all, WHY NOT USE THIS SYSTEM?
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