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Active Reefer
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30 gallon reef (hope to bump up to a 72 in a year!)

1 blue fiji damsel
1 bicolor blenny
1 6-line wrasse

A couple dozen blue leg, scarlet, and left-handed hermits
12 margarita and trochus snails
1 pacific cleaner shrimp
1 sand sifting starfish
1 colt coral
1 pearl bubble coral
1 sinularia leather
1 sarcophyton leather
numerous watermellon mushrooms
1 pagoda coral
1 galaxea
1 porites w/worms
1 favites sp.
1 green open brain
green star polyps
2 giant hawaiian featherdusters

35# live rock
a ton of grape caulerpa
disconnected refugium soon to be stocked w/bristle worms and pods

I also have a 10 gallon tank with a decorator crab, a mithrax, and couple other random hitchhiker crabs...all have misbehaved and wound up banished from the reef..

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