Set Up Date : 01/2001
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 55 gallon
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): No Sump -
Live Rock (Mass): 45 pounds
Live Sand (Mass): 4 inches
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): SmartLamp - 65 Watt - 10K/Actinic plus a Coral Life light as well.
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):Bak Pak
Biological Filtration (Type):
Chemical Filtration (Type):
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):One Power Head, a Penguin Filter and one 4 inch air wand.
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.2
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 82
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.024 ppt
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):
Calcium (ppm):380 - 440
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):40
Phosphate (ppm):?
Fish :Weed eater blennie, Sand Sifter Gobie, Figi Devil, Dragon Wrasse, 2 Percula Clowns, Blonde Naso Tang
Corals : Soft corals - sea apple; One piece that looks like an orange celery is propagating. One piece that looks like a pink celery staulk - also propagating. Star polyps;
Invertebrates : none
Maintenance Program : Water changes every weekend to try to keep Nitrate down.
Additional Information :
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 55 gallon
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): No Sump -
Live Rock (Mass): 45 pounds
Live Sand (Mass): 4 inches
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): SmartLamp - 65 Watt - 10K/Actinic plus a Coral Life light as well.
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):Bak Pak
Biological Filtration (Type):
Chemical Filtration (Type):
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):One Power Head, a Penguin Filter and one 4 inch air wand.
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.2
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 82
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.024 ppt
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):
Calcium (ppm):380 - 440
Ammonia (ppm):0
Nitrite (ppm):0
Nitrate (ppm):40
Phosphate (ppm):?
Fish :Weed eater blennie, Sand Sifter Gobie, Figi Devil, Dragon Wrasse, 2 Percula Clowns, Blonde Naso Tang
Corals : Soft corals - sea apple; One piece that looks like an orange celery is propagating. One piece that looks like a pink celery staulk - also propagating. Star polyps;
Invertebrates : none
Maintenance Program : Water changes every weekend to try to keep Nitrate down.
Additional Information :