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Just noticed 1/4+ inch thing climbing rock. It was white, top 3 arms longer then bottom 3 arms. Otherwise looked like a star, ???Any idea what this is?

He got up and over rock before I could get a camera and hasn't been sighted since.

Thanks for any help.


Advanced Reefer
So it looked like a star...a brittlestar or a starfish? There are 6 armed brittlestars (genus Ophiactis)in that size range that reproduce by splitting, so that three arms are shorter than the others. How did the arms move? With a rowing type motion?

Brittlestars!! http://home.att.net/~ophiuroid

[ May 25, 2001: Message edited by: ophiuroid ]


Ophiuroid..Thanks for reply. Seemed like front arm moved most then second & third. Bottom three seem to drag. Doesn't look like star fish. Just weird to newbee.


Advanced Reefer
Perhaps you could describe it a bit more? It sounds kind of like it moves like a brittlestar (first arm leading, two on side 'rowing' a bit and others just kind of dragging behind), which sometimes make a move to a different whole in the rock. Was there a distinct central area to the animal? Was it flat? Were there spines? Coloration? Hopefully we can figure out what it was!



ophiuroid: Thanks. Looked at brittlestars site. This didn't have long skinny arms or legs. Much more like true star fish except had 6 arms. Sounds like you mentioned. Front arm pulling, other two kind of rowing and little back 3 arms dragging. There was a distinct central area and all appeared to be flat. Didn't see any spines..but it was gone before I got magifing glass. It really appeared to be pure white. Been looking and haven't seen it again. Is this another hitchhicker? Is it good, bad or indifferent? Gosh, wish I got picture! Thanks again.


Experienced Reefer
i have the same things think they are ministars. i have dozens they get on my back glass and eat the algae off. they don't seem to harm anything


some'n'smellsfishy..Thanks. Glad to know they shouldn't be harmfull.

This mini star just showed himself again last night on front of tank. So, I could see bottom and it sure looks like some kind of star fish. This morning it was hitching a ride on a snail. I thought stars had 5 arms..this one has six.

Do you know how big they can get?


Experienced Reefer
haven't had my tank for long (3months) but haven't seen any bigger than the tip of my pinky.
i figured same thing about 5 legs when i first saw them but....we all know there are MANY creatures in the ocean


Found one in my tank today with 7 arms. They stay small.

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