Set Up Date : August 2001 (combining of two previously established tanks)
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48"L x 21"H x 18"H
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): 36"L x 16"H x 12"W (partitioned into thirds with 1/4" acrylic)
Live Rock (Mass): ~85 lbs. Fiji and Marshall Island live rock
Live Sand (Mass): ~150 lbs. Southdown Tropical Play Sand seeded with Inland Aquatics detritivore kit
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):
4 x 110 watt URI VHOs (2 actinic, 1 actinic white, 1 aquasun) powered
by IceCap 660 | 10 hrs./day
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): AquaC EV-150
Biological Filtration (Type): LR/LS/Algal harvesting in 7.5 gallon in-sump refugium (have yet to add any macroalgae!)
Chemical Filtration (Type): n/a
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): See below
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model): 2 Supreme Mag Drive 5s (one through 1/2" Sea-Swirl, one split to two stationary returns)
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.05 | 8.25
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 79-82oF
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):
8.3 dKH
Calcium (ppm): 390 ppm
Ammonia (ppm): 0
Nitrite (ppm): 0
Nitrate (ppm): 0.1 ppm
Phosphate (ppm): 0.125 ppm (ouch!)
Fish :
Foxface rabbitfish, skunk clownfish, bicolor blenny, flame hawkfish
Corals : LPS: small green frogspawn, red open brain, green and pink fungia, white bubble coral, yellow torch, green candycane, blue-purple pagoda; Soft/other: 2 sarcophytons, colt coral, Young's soft coral, yellow devil's hand, green tree coral, yellow polyps, assorted mushrooms and zoanthids, green star polyps, 3 green bubble tip anemones (all from one original parent)
Invertebrates : Skunk cleaner shrimp, squamosa clam, crocea clam (rescued from LFS), assorted snails
Maintenance Program : Bi-weekly 10% water changes
Additional Information : Nurce topoff unit, Geo single stage calcium reactor
[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: SeaMac ]
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48"L x 21"H x 18"H
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): 36"L x 16"H x 12"W (partitioned into thirds with 1/4" acrylic)
Live Rock (Mass): ~85 lbs. Fiji and Marshall Island live rock
Live Sand (Mass): ~150 lbs. Southdown Tropical Play Sand seeded with Inland Aquatics detritivore kit
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):
4 x 110 watt URI VHOs (2 actinic, 1 actinic white, 1 aquasun) powered
by IceCap 660 | 10 hrs./day
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): AquaC EV-150
Biological Filtration (Type): LR/LS/Algal harvesting in 7.5 gallon in-sump refugium (have yet to add any macroalgae!)
Chemical Filtration (Type): n/a
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): See below
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model): 2 Supreme Mag Drive 5s (one through 1/2" Sea-Swirl, one split to two stationary returns)
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.05 | 8.25
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 79-82oF
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):
8.3 dKH
Calcium (ppm): 390 ppm
Ammonia (ppm): 0
Nitrite (ppm): 0
Nitrate (ppm): 0.1 ppm
Phosphate (ppm): 0.125 ppm (ouch!)
Fish :
Foxface rabbitfish, skunk clownfish, bicolor blenny, flame hawkfish
Corals : LPS: small green frogspawn, red open brain, green and pink fungia, white bubble coral, yellow torch, green candycane, blue-purple pagoda; Soft/other: 2 sarcophytons, colt coral, Young's soft coral, yellow devil's hand, green tree coral, yellow polyps, assorted mushrooms and zoanthids, green star polyps, 3 green bubble tip anemones (all from one original parent)
Invertebrates : Skunk cleaner shrimp, squamosa clam, crocea clam (rescued from LFS), assorted snails
Maintenance Program : Bi-weekly 10% water changes
Additional Information : Nurce topoff unit, Geo single stage calcium reactor
[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: SeaMac ]